Ronnums Herrgård
We want to minimise our impact on the environment so environmental work is an important and natural part of our daily activity. We work on continuous improvement in all areas of our business with reference to the three key words:
Through an active environmental policy we identify and evaluate environmental risks and, by working on continuous improvement, we prevent and minimise our negative environmental impact. By integrating environmental aspects with all areas of our business we contribute to a long-term sustainable society.
We keep ourselves up to date and comply with relevant environmental legislation and regulations. We work towards annual environmental goals through an action plan, which gives each individual the opportunity to minimise their environmental impact.
Our employees receive ongoing training in environmental issues to enable them actively to contribute to the development of environmental activity throughout the company.
We place specific demands on our suppliers in the procurement of raw ingredients, products and services.
Ligula’s vision is to leave a healthy environment for the next generation through commitment and collaboration. The key is to adopt a long-term perspective that helps create a better world for everyone.
We monitor our consumption of electricity, water and energy. Our energy contracts guarantee 100% renewable / eco-labeled energy.
We monitor and ensure our use of environmentally friendly products such as detergents and cleaning products. In addition we choose only eco-labeled toilet paper, office paper, envelopes and packaging. The purchase of environmentally friendly, organic and local products increases year on year and of course, we purchase no fish that appears on the red list.
When we renovate or build new we require the highest environmental certification, and we recycle our furniture by refurbishing or donating it for re-use. Our uniforms are also made from recycled textiles. Work related travel is primarily by train. We engage guests and employees in our work for a better environment. Through our Ligula Foundation we contribute to charities, with a primary focus on those working with children and animals.
We also have an environmental certification from Svensk Miljöbas.