Salt & Sill
Working to be as sustainable a destination as possible is a matter of course for us at Salt & Sill. We work constantly to ensure that all decision making is grounded in principles for sustainability. We do this for ourselves, for our guests and for the environment.
Our floating hotel is not just held up by the sea, we also use underwater currents as a source of energy.
Herring is the star of our menu and it is also one of the sea’s most climate-smart fish to eat. Our lobster comes from the fishermen out on Klädesholmen and most of the seafood we serve is from right outside our door. All the fish we serve is certified and bought directly from source.
When we built our hotel we had to dredge the sea floor. The material from the dredging was put back into the sea around the hotel site, which resulted in a habitat that has encouraged a wider diversity of sea life.
The fact we are located beside the island of Tjörn on Klädesholmen is important to us, and we want to be important to Klädesholmen and Tjörn. We use locally produced raw ingredients as much as possible. We buy vegetables from Mölnebo farms and our eggs from Mällby Lantgård, both located on Tjörn. We ferment some of our vegetables so that we can continue to use them after their season is over.
We sort all our waste and all rooms have divided bins so that guests can help out by doing their bit. Our employees wear shirts and sweaters that are Fairtrade-labelled and made of organic material, and our napkins are environmentally friendly.
We work with Rikstvätt laundry services, which means that we have Nordic Eco-labelled textiles that are delivered by fossil-free transport. Our hotel rooms are decorated with environmentally friendly interior details and often feature recycled wood from old boats. The flowers we use for decoration are often dried, which makes them more sustainable, and our bedding is organic, because we want our guests to be able to sleep with a clear conscience.
Our team is employed full-time except in exceptional cases. Wherever possible we adapt our work routines to suit our employees and involve them in decision making processes. Our aim is to be as attractive a workplace as possible for everyone who works here.
We want our guests at Salt & Sill to have the opportunity for an experience that satisfies body and soul.