At Gullmarsstrand we aim to promote sustainable development so that current and future generations will be able to live in a safe and healthy environment.
We strive to offer products and services that, while maintaining their quality, have been manufactured with the least possible environmental impact. We have therefore chosen to get a Nordic Swan environmental certification and prioritise suppliers that are environmentally certified and work actively with sustainability.
This is what our work around environment & sustainability involves:
We buy green electricity, heat the premises using ground source heating and constantly monitor our energy use. Our spaces are largely equipped with motion-sensor lighting. A twilight switch operates outside. Naturally we use low-energy/LED lamps.
Instead of providing bottled water we serve tap water which we carbonate ourselves. The toilets are low flush and there are special nozzles on the taps and showers to minimise water use. We also inform our staff how to use less water when washing in the kitchen and laundry. Letter, writing paper and other paper is eco-certified, and we switch off all electronic equipment when not in use.
We strive to reduce the amount of waste, and sort wood, glass, paper, cardboard and metal. In addition, we review and minimise the use of disposable items. The few disposable items used are eco-labelled, as are the washing and cleaning materials used in daily operations. Toilet, paper towels and paper serviettes are also eco-labelled. We are also careful when dosing detergent to avoid overdosing. Our laundry is environmentally certified and we use eco-labelled towels, sheets and tablecloths.
The restaurant offers vegetarian alternatives on the menu, and we also offer local and organic produce. Single use packaging is used as little as possible.
We inform our guests about our environmental work, and our staff receive training to increase their knowledge of and engagement with these issues. We also show our guests how they can contribute to the environmental work we do during their stay with us.