Garveriet is a meeting place for sharing innovative ideas about sustainable food systems.
Garveriet’s ambition is to find new strategies for healthier food production. We work with food systems, not against them. We may even be able to create new innovative ecosystems. You can call it transition or sustainability, or a movement where all of us bit by bit take responsibility for the food that is produced, bought and consumed. We believe in cooperation between authorities, organisations and producers – large and small, but we are convinced that this journey will be driven by the desire of consumers, local producers and entrepreneurs to do right. No one can do everything but everyone can do something!
At Garveriet research and innovation, locally produced food and business development, knowledge of systems and small scale production meet each other. We bring together the perspectives that are necessary to be able to produce a credible transformation. Garveriet’s business concept is all about creating a meeting place based on four areas of activity:
Innovation – create the conditions for innovative development regarding sustainable food.
Food production – own and external production and sale of sustainable food.
Meeting rooms – rental of meeting rooms, activity rooms and co-working spaces.
Knowledge – own and externally produced experiences and training.
We have built up our operational activities based on three keywords – eat, meet and teach – which together describe in a nutshell what we do. And everything is informed by sustainable ways of thinking and above all operating.