Smögens Hafvsbad
At Smögens Hafvsbad we use environmentally certified electricity, heat our facility with geothermal energy, regularly review our energy use, and use energy-saving LED lighting. We serve tap water that we carbonate ourselves and have low-flush toilets. We also use special fittings for faucets and showers to reduce water use. Additionally, we train our staff on how to wash dishes and do laundry in a water-efficient way.
We also focus on reducing waste by sorting it for recycling. We work to create as little waste as possible and handle all waste from the facility in the best way we can. We sort and recycle materials like wood, glass, paper, cardboard, and metal. We also work with our suppliers to reduce non-recyclable packaging. We limit the use of disposable items, and when we do use them, they are environmentally certified. The same goes for our cleaning products, laundry products, and paper goods like toilet paper, tissues, and paper towels. We are also careful with dosing to avoid overuse. Our laundry partner is environmentally certified, and all towels, sheets, and tablecloths are eco-labeled.
At Smögens Hafvsbad, we offer locally produced and organic food in our restaurant and aim to expand this further. We always include vegetarian options on our menu. We also follow WWF guidelines to avoid buying red-listed fish. This is part of our routine when planning menus and is regularly reviewed when updating lunch menus.
We avoid buying food that may contain GMOs and try to avoid animal products from livestock raised on GMO grains. We regularly check this during menu planning and also conduct an extra review with our suppliers once a year.
We keep additives in our food to a minimum, especially colorings, flavorings, and preservatives. We do this by using raw ingredients as much as possible and avoiding pre-made products from the food industry. When we do use pre-made products, we make sure we know who produced them and that they have a good system for tracking the food’s origins. We prefer producers that use natural preservatives like ascorbic acid, salt, or sugar.
We inform and educate our staff to increase their knowledge and engagement in environmental and sustainability issues. Additionally, we inform our guests about our environmental efforts.