Skärgårdsidyllen Kayak & Outdoor
Skärgårdsidyllen Kayak & Outdoor offer authentic and sustainable experiences in the great outdoors at Grönemad, just outside Grebbestad, and on Rossö and Koster during the summer.
Skärgårdsidyllen work conscientiously to have as little environmental impact as possible. For our kayaking activities the number of participants is limited to about 12 and our guided tours and courses are often limited to 3-4 hours, which means that guests can go to the toilet before setting off. This way of managing our experiences greatly reduces the impact our visitors might have on the surroundings.
Through the Hållbar Skärgård (Sustainable Archipelago) initiative we have also built a solar-powered toilet on the island that we visit most in our immediate area. This island is also very popular for swimming and camping, and is used extensively by other companies, outdoor organisations, and individuals.
We have company bicycles and an electric cargo bike for shorter trips with materials and team members.
We keep our own bees and offer home-grown honey during our guided tours. Bee communities have a positive environmental impact as there is a shortage of pollinators and bees contribute to the biological diversity in our area.
We offer a swimming school in the sea, which is very popular with residents and visitors. During the winter we run a swimming school for children from 3 months – 5 years in Grebbestad and Strömstad. Being able to swim is also a basic requirement for being able to rent a kayak. One of the cornerstones of the swimming school is that the swimming school teachers travel to the children instead of the other way around, so we reduce the number of unnecessary trips for the participants for the duration of the course. For the same reason we run kayak activities during the summer at Ekenäs, Sydkoster and on Rossö, outside Strömstad. Our guides travel to these locations to run their tours, and this reduces the number of unnecessary trips for our guests.
Part of making our business as good as possible for both residents and visitors are our Hållbar Skärgård initiative and our Beach Cleaning Day, as well as our sponsorship of Världens Vackraste Skärgård (The World’s Most Beautiful Archipelago). These initiatives are aimed at the local community and our guests, and the benefits are appreciated by everyone. We also arrange kayaking for primary schools, high schools, and community associations. And we have contributed gift cards to local charities.
Skärgårdsidyllen is open all year round and offers season-specific activities with local ingredients and suppliers. We always recommend activities and accommodation before and after our guests have been with us to enhance their experience and extend their stay in the area. Our guests can also stay at our guest house, where we have made a great effort to reuse materials from the original house that stood on the site and used local suppliers such as TanumsFönstret (now Nordan), which manufactures quality windows a few kilometres away. Since the summer of 2020 we have solar cells on the roof that supply the house with electricity. We collaborate with a lot of companies in the area and can give our resident guests suggestions for a wide range of things to see and do during their stay.
Our philosophy has been to grow organically. Our first goal with the company has been to create two full-time positions on an annual basis and in addition we now employ swimming school teachers, collaborate with other companies and hire in guides if necessary.