Skärgårdshotellet Hönö

At Skärgårdshotellet Hönö we work with sustainability from many different perspectives and see it as an important factor in our business. We work with all the companies in the destination so that together we can achieve business and job security as part of a sustainable tourism destination. The aim is to make the archipelago a living and attractive place to be and to visit all year round.  

We think long-term and want to make as little environmental impact as we possibly can. This includes minimising and sorting waste, our choice of toiletries and cleaning products, and as far as possible, using local products and sourcing raw ingredients in season from local producers.

This is the inspiration for our menu; with high quality ingredients the dishes can be simple yet creative and bursting with flavour.

We want to be a sustainable business where we can thrive and feel secure. We want to be a long-term employer where our staff can grow and develop, and we are especially focussed on participation and development for the group and the individual. We want to create more jobs all year round at the destination and also to contribute to a positive start in working life for young adults. We want to see them grow and develop.

The nature around us and our hospitality are the foundation of our business. So it’s particularly satisfying that these make minimal environmental impact. We offer nature experiences that are relevant all year round, including hiking, cycling, kayaking and various types of exercise. We push the outdoor activities as much as possible with packages that include quayside yoga, winter swimming with a warming coffee break, and hiking along the cliffs with a picnic lunch. We want to create unique experiences for all our guests all year round and design our packages to bring out the season’s best qualities. In so doing we can even out the flow of visitors and develop a steady stream all throughout the year.

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