Musselbaren Ljungskile
At Lyckorna we have a smaller menu with mussels as the main feature, and uncomplicated, clean flavours. Our ambition is to make fantastic food without penny-pinching, additives or artificial flavour enhancers. Food that tastes great, is good for you and works well from an environmental point of view.
We like organic as well as good food and depending on the season we get a lot from smaller farms in the area. Swedish produce takes precedence over organic, but we love it if it’s both those things. We always buy Swedish cream and other dairy produce, but of course the odd French cheese can find its way on to the menu if it’s really good. Eggs are always organic, as well as sugar and flour. We’re always on the lookout for new and exciting local suppliers, so if you think you fit that bill, get in touch.
As we said earlier, our menu focuses on mussels and everything you can possibly do with them. We want to both inspire and offer new taste experiences. This coming year we will keep many of the most popular dishes but also add some new ones some of which we think will be a bit of a world first.
Even if it’s now claimed that mussels could also officially be classed as vegan food we always offer an alternative to those who aren’t yet mussel lovers, for whatever reason.
We change the menu both regularly and irregularly, it depends on what inspires us and what is available.
We work with several producers in A Taste of West Sweden and Lokalproducerat i Väst (Locally Produced in the West). We want to develop this even more in the future regarding both food and drink here at Musselbaren.
We love vegetables and vegetarian dishes, and you will always find a vegetarian alternative on the menu.